Ps. 68:27 DILIGENCIA in reverence to the Sovereign LORd
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#1: Ps. 68:27 DILIGENCIA in reverence to the Sovereign LORd Author: JAdmin PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:12 pm
Heard there is only a couple of ancient manuscripts that have Ps 68:27 (Ps. 68:26 in most translations) rendered with the name of the Everlasting LORD like Hagiographa, Naples 1486--87, and that there are only a few against almost 70 manuscripts against it. Notwitstanding, even if there are (what may look like) an infinite amount of manuscripts stating something, it still is NOT sufficient grounds to seal it true.

According to the ensamples thorowout Scripture, we ought to firstly seek the LORD for guidance, specially when it comes to HIS word, even in reverent prayer and fasting. For there are faithful matters, that only the spirit of God can fill us with the wisdom for edification sake. Otherwise error could be at the door, like that of man made processes to rely on the majority of manuscripts to choose a passage, that although can agree together, may still not line up acording to the precepts of the law of God. If the majority agree to something, it doesn't always make it true. Many ensamples in the Scripture can teach us that; such as during Noah's day, the majority laughed at him to scorn for building an ark, and the majority kept on drinking, eating and being merry till the flood shut them up. And remember how the majority of people condemn Christ to death, although no person can even bring a tittle or jot of evidence against Him. Still it was meant to happen, because it was even the salvation plan of the Everlasting Lord GOD from the very beginning, even in HIS first major hint by slaying the first animal to properly cloth Adam and Eve's sin (or shame of unfaithfulness, and ours too). And let's not forget why God accepted Abel's offering over Cain's. Or even the ensample of Abraham (even in his old age who kept on believing the promise of God that the LORD would multiply his seed like the number of the sea sand and the stars, when even his aged wife questioned it) and after the promise was fulfilled, and afterwards later he was asked to bring him to be sacrified, and Abraham (from whom's lineage Christ would come in the flesh) faithfully obeyed and when his son Isaac question "The fire and wood are here but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Abraham faithfully answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son."
The point is that we must trust firstly on the witness of the promised edification in the Everlasting LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We must trust the LORD even when discerning the correct rendering of the Scriptures; because the majority of manuscripts together can be wrong, even if many agree to the same wrong thing. And even if there may of been an ancient source change that initially propagated to divers manuscripts, let it be by design, reverance, or what-have-it; the manner is true only according to the law, that only two or three witnesses are needed to prove a matter like many other Scriptural ensamples that only needs a meek mind and humble heart that trusts on the promises of God. For it is elementary my dear brethren: it isn't the majority of witnesses that matters, it is the faithful witness with the evident testimony. Therefore if even two manuscripts faithfully have this verity based upon the evident truth of the commandments of God, it will be right even above thousands of thousands against it.

Here is an interesting article I had posted at the TNK project.
TNK, TRC and Psalm 68:27 (Ps. 68:26 in most translations)

The dire warning of Deuteronomy 4:2, even Revelation; is fundamental.
Yea, elementary clear my dear Brethren that keep it diligently in
Christ. (For i trow today, more than ever, we must trust in HIM,
and rely not on our own understanding, like in Proverbs 3
For he shall order our goings, to be more than common day scholars;
that is, even strive to be the noblest of detectives like those in
Acts 17:11 ;)
For one manner way or wother,
all must direly fear HIM WHO IS,
who made heaven and earth and all that in them is.
Albeit, just be cause the word of the Creator endureth faithful and
true, it doesn't limit HIM on how HE expresses HIS verity from gen.
to generation.
(neither does it mean any can express it their ways without God's
way of permission.)

Isaiah 55:8-13
8For thus sayeth the LORD: my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways,  9but as far as the heavens are higher than the earth, so far do my ways exceed yours, and my thoughts yours.  10And like as the rain and snow cometh down from heaven, and returneth not thither again, but watereth the earth, maketh it fruitful and green, that it may give corn and bread unto the sower:  11So the word also that cometh out of my mouth shall not turn again void unto me, but shall accomplish my will and prosper in the thing, whereto I sent it.  12And so shall ye go forth with joy, and be lead with peace. The mountains and hills shall sing with you for joy, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.  13For thorns, there shall grow Fir trees, and the Myrtle tree in the stead of briers. And this shall be done to the praise of the LORD, and for an everlasting token, that shall not be taken away.  

Isaiah 55:8-13

Bearing this in mind, it behoves to ask diligently in prayerful
regards to Psalm 68:27 (other: in translations 68:26.)
to verify that it is indeed rendered accurately in the TRC, and TNK.

BenChayyim, BFBS, TBS, and Aleppo have "Adonai".
Although it is very interesting that the Gentile adopted BHS
Hebrew Bible, and Jewish Koren standard Tanach have the tetragrammaton instead.
Here is the comparison thereof:

Since on the TNK "abbreviations" pages mentions divers
Hebrew sources; could somebody diligently further find out:
How's the name written in PS 68:27 according to other early editions?
like Salonica 1515, First edition of the Rabbinic Bible, etc.

Benchayyim may of strictly followed the past Masoretic costume,
and at PS.68:27 to have left "Adonai" as part of the text like the last masores did..
Notwitstanding, it must be beared in mind that the original changed could
of been around the time when the "LORD" was turning the more towards
the gentiles do to their open faithful acceptance and knowledging of
his coming Messiah visitation,
and thus God put asside for a time his jewish congregation
for the shame of them (LUKE 19:44)
not knowledging it when the time was even given exactly in the book
of Daniel that they had readily available to diligently study more
than any other people;
Even with the sign of the last Old Testament prophets John the
baptiser that even preached to "a generation of vipers" that gave
God lip service.
(and i utter here to even the shame of our ungrateful generation
For thus saith the Lord:
"Ye are they, which justify yourselves before men:
but God knoweth your hearts. For that which men magnify,
{or is highly esteemed among men} is abominable in the sight of God.
The law, and the prophets reigned until the time of John:
[and] Since that time, the kingdom of God is preached,
and every man striveth to go in.
Sooner shall heaven and earth perish,
than one tittle of the law shall perish."
Luke 16:15

Although contrarily today, (even to my past shame)
gentiles have instead turned into divers lawless "lordes."
Perhaps according to the signs of the times it can be
an evident porpuse of the Creator to have it expressed PS.68:27 that
way; That all fear THE NAME; that the Everlasting LORD Be
shewn today for all to hear loud and clear.
For HE IS, WAS, AND WILL BE alway that foretold all things!

How does the Creator express His same verity today?
Bearing in mind that:
John 4:24
God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must honour him, in spirit and verity.

"God is a spirit, and they that worship him,
must honour {or worship} him,
in spirit and verity. {or troth - real fidelity of truth.}"
John 4:24

For the TRC, (Tyndale, Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) Wholy Bible
i adopted the manner like Tyndale did in the five books of Moses..
Using all caps LORD when it refers to the tetragrammaton,
(and at divers times transliterated "IEHOUAH" and later written "Jehovah")
i used the faithful majority of Hebrew texts either to render LORD
when it refers to tetragrammaton,
or render Lord when it refers to the hebrew name "Adonai", noting and taking into account how Tyndale and Coverdale originally penned it.
At first i had Psalm 68:26 as "Lord" like the majority of
massoretic Hebrew texts i've seen.
Although after diligent seeking, have decided to rendered it
even like Miles Coverdale originally penned in the Coverdale Bible
of 1535: "LORDE")
Although the main reason i was led to make that decision was to
again bear in mind Proverb 3,
Proverbs 3
1My son, forget not my law, but see that thine heart keep my commandments.  2For they shall prolong the days and years of thy life, and bring thee peace.  3Let mercy and faithfulness never go from thee: bind them about thy neck, and write them in the tables of thine heart.  4So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and men.  5Put thy trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.  6In all thy ways have respect unto him, and he shall order thy goings.  7Be not wise in thine own conceit, but fear the LORD, and depart from evil:  8so shall thy navel be whole, and thy bones strong.  9Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstlings of all thine increase:  10So shall thy barns be filled with plenteousness, and thy presses shall flow over with sweet wine.  11My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD, neither faint when thou are rebuked of him.  12For whom the LORD loveth, him he chasteneth: and yet delighteth in him even as a father in his own son.  13Well is him that findeth wisdom, and obtaineth understanding,  14for the getting of it is better than any merchandise of silver, and the profit of it is better than gold.  15Wisdom is more worth than precious stones, and all the things that thou canst desire, are not to be compared unto her.  16Upon her right hand is long life, and upon her left hand is riches and honour.  17Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peaceable.  18She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and blessed are they that keep her fast.  19With wisdom hath the LORD laid the foundation of the earth, and thorow understanding hath he stablished the heavens.  20Thorow his wisdom the depths break up, and the clouds drop down of the dew.  21My son, let not these things depart from thine eyes, but keep my law and my counsel:  22So shall it be life unto thy soul, and grace unto thy mouth.  23Then shalt thou walk safely in thy way, and thy foot shall not stumble.  24If thou sleepest thou shalt not be afraid, but shall take thy rest and sleep sweetly.  25Thou needest not to be afraid of any sudden fear, neither for the violent rushing of the ungodly, when it cometh.  26For the LORD shall be beside thee, and keep thy foot that thou be not taken.  27Refuse not to do good unto him that should have it, so long as thine hand is able to do it.  28Say not unto thy neighbour: Go thy way and come again, tomorrow will I give thee:  29where as thou hast now to give him. Intend no hurt unto thy neighbour, seeing he hopeth to dwell in rest by thee.  30Strive not lightly with any man, where as he hath done thee no harm.  31Follow not a wicked man, and choose none of his ways:  32for the LORD abhoreth the froward, but his secret is among the righteous.  33The curse of the LORD is in the house of the ungodly, but he blesseth the dwellings of the righteous.  34As for the scornful, he shall laugh them to scorn, but he shall give grace unto the lowly.  35The wise shall have honour in possession, but shame is the promotion that fools shall have.    

and taking the principle that Scripture interprets Scripture, that
is wholy, or as much to say: as a holy whole:Isaiah 28:9-10
Isaiah 28:9-10
9What is he among them, that can teach, instruct or inform the children, which are weeded from suck or taken from the breasts: of any other fashion than:  10Command that may be commanded, bid that may be bidden, forbid that may be forbidden, keep back that may be kept back, here a little, there a little.  

TRC PS 68:26 thus says
Psalms 68:26
O give thanks unto God the LORd in the congregation, for the wells of Israel.

TRC Hebrews 2:11-12 brings it to light:
Hebrews 2:11-12
11Forasmuch as he which sanctifieth, and they which are sanctified, are all of one. For which cause's sake he is not ashamed to call them brethren  12saying: I will declare thy name unto my brethren, and in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.  


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