Hebrew Keyboard?
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DAVAR -> Davar 3.0 development

#1: Hebrew Keyboard? Author: Big StoneLocation: Israel PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:47 pm
I have been using your program for a couple of years, and I really appreciate the ability to do a search for a single word in the entirity of Tanakh. The ability to synchronize and view multiple versions of a text is invaluable to me as an amatuer source critic and as a yeshiva student.

I didn't really have this problem until I moved here to Israel, but I am finding myself frustrated now when I try to type something and I find the wrong letters are popping up on the screen. The Israeli keyboard is different from how you have it set up on the program, and I was wondering if you might be interested in using the pre-existing Israeli keyboard instead, and having an option to shift between English and Hebrew the way you do in Windows anyway.

To help people who are unfamiliar with the keyboard initially, it might be good to have a keyboard picture that can be brought up similar to the clickable keyboard you have now, but have the English letters and Hebrew letters side-by-side.

I know that the new version includes Greek (way cool!) so perhaps there would be an overlay option and you can choose the base keyboard plus the keyboard you want to sue.

Please keep up the great work, I thoroughly enjoy the work you have done so far. Please notify me if you need help getting the Greek and Hebrew keyboards, I know the placement of both of the set-ups.

#2:  Author: JoPl PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:20 am
Hi Big Stone,

I quite understand description of your problem, but some important facts I missing, so:
1) I suppose you are talking about Davar3 version, but I am NOT 100% sure. Can u explain? Also, which version windows u have?

2) Can you test Davar2.4 version also? I ask because someone helped me add Hebrew keyboard support and he reported it as OK. isn't more than one hebrew layout possible?

3) I used same code in D2.4 and D3 for remapping of keyboard, so it should be same good/bad. But please prefer tests for D2.4 and report me results.
Can u cooperate with fix? If so, I need to know YOUR hebrew keyboard layout - can you send it to my mail (freedavarATcentrumPOINTcz). Some picture will be good.

Hope, we will find solution



#3:  Author: Big StoneLocation: Israel PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:32 pm
So I just checked on the older version of Davar I have, and it is indeed the 2.4. The layout on the keyboard is definitely not the standard Israeli keyboard, but I suppose it is possible that there is a setup I don't know. I will see if there is a picture online of an Israeli keyboard and email that to you, and if that doesn't work, I will make one myself. Also, if you want, I can just type it all up like "alef=t" "bet=c" that sort of thing.

I downloaded v3.0alpha also, because I was curious about the changes that you have made, and so far I am a fan. I use Windows XP Home Edition, if that has any consequences. I'll get right to work, because we have a study group tonight from the yeshiva meeting here in not too long. If I don't get it done tonight, I promise it will be there as soon as possible.

Okay, I looked online and found on this website (Link) a keyboard which I will email to you. The set up is shifted a little bit, but the positions from right to left correspond with the keyboard I know, so it shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

Kol tuv,

#4:  Author: JoPl PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:22 am
Hi BigStone,

yes, probably the best what you can do is type "alef=t" "bet=c" => but be SURE that after '=' character you type HEBREW letter (alph, beth...). I will scan later those codes. Also, be SURE that use some notepad-like editor (not Word!) and final TXT you ZIP and send me. ZIP is important, because email attach can cripple topmost 7-th bit of codes.


#5:  Author: Big StoneLocation: Israel PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:53 am
Alright, email both the picture and the txt document. Have fun!


#6: Re: Hebrew Keyboard? Author: bereshit PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 8:52 pm

Big Stone wrote:
I didn't really have this problem until I moved here to Israel, but I am finding myself frustrated now when I try to type something and I find the wrong letters are popping up on the screen. The Israeli keyboard is different from how you have it set up on the program, and I was wondering if you might be interested in using the pre-existing Israeli keyboard instead, and having an option to shift between English and Hebrew the way you do in Windows anyway.

My Hebrew keyboard works ok with Davar!
Have a look at http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/international/keyboards/winkey.html#keycap
this is what I use. Is this layout the same as yours?

Here is my setup:
1. I am using Win2K. 2. What is important - I installed Hebrew language support through my regional settings (this windows is a version in one of EE languages, Hebrew had to be added). 3. When I want to write in Hebrew I switch language in my SysTray and a small blue icon changes to "He". Then my keyboard produces characters as it should (ASD is shin-dalat-gimel).

If I do not switch language to Hebrew and type in Davar my keyboard produces mess (at least for me), i.e. A produces aleph, S shin , D - dalat, T - tav, etc.


To help people who are unfamiliar with the keyboard initially, it might be good to have a keyboard picture that can be brought up similar to the clickable keyboard you have now, but have the English letters and Hebrew letters side-by-side.

There is a free Microsoft application doing just that. If people use it Dear Josef can save some coding power.

Have a look at: http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2002/VkeyInst.aspx

But ... what was strange in Davar for me at the beginning was the character table. Ashurit (i.e. Hebrew) characters are running in this table from left to right. This was a little shock, I couldn't find the letters ;).


#7: Re: Hebrew Keyboard? Author: JoPl PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:26 am

But ... what was strange in Davar for me at the beginning was the character table. Ashurit (i.e. Hebrew) characters are running in this table from left to right. This was a little shock, I couldn't find the letters ;)

Yes, you are right-order is L2R for table. It is not very hard to change bitmap in table, but I tried to be *compatible* with previous Davar 2.x versions. If users will be really uncomfortable, I can change...

Another things is left aligned "edit" combo, e.g. when search for Hebrew. In D2.4 I used simple edit, where R-align was easy. In D3, I use combo (for history of words) - and I was forced to do some compromise => R-align worked for SOME windows versions and SOME comctl32.dll in system. Moreover, it SOMETIMES destroyed vowels marks. It was a big nightmare and this solution (L-align for HE) is IMHO best what I can quickly do. The problematic parts were due bad Windows compatibility backwards.

And very big thank for hints about Hebrew keyboard. The mapping HE keys was send me by one programmer from Israel and he claimed it is OK, so I used unchanged in D3 version.



#8: Re: Hebrew Keyboard? Author: bereshit PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:46 pm
Shalom Joseph,

JoPl wrote:

But ... what was strange in Davar for me at the beginning was the character table. Ashurit (i.e. Hebrew) characters are running in this table from left to right. This was a little shock, I couldn't find the letters ;)

Yes, you are right-order is L2R for table. It is not very hard to change bitmap in table, but I tried to be *compatible* with previous Davar 2.x versions. If users will be really uncomfortable, I can change...


This L2R thing is not very important (my word "shock" is not appropriate, I should use "surprised" ot something like that), but I wanted to let you know about it because I know that those little things sometimes, for some people, are exactly what matters. Maybe you could add a little option in the settings for users like me? A switch in cfg file like "TableHebrewR2L=1" ?

Peace and blessings,

#9: Re: Hebrew Keyboard? Author: JoPl PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:17 am

This L2R thing is not very important (my word "shock" is not appropriate, I should use "surprised" ot something like that), but I wanted to let you know about it because I know that those little things sometimes, for some people, are exactly what matters. Maybe you could add a little option in the settings for users like me? A switch in cfg file like "TableHebrewR2L=1" ?

OK. One vote for this options. If I will see more demand for it, will work on it. For now, there are in progress things, which are more serious (IMHO) => dialog of verse lists (as in BibleWorks7, but much powerfull) - which will be starting point for "Export" functions (to TXT and clipboard)...


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