Davar3 Beta3 or RC1 suggestions
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DAVAR -> Davar 3.0 development

#1: Davar3 Beta3 or RC1 suggestions Author: israel PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:10 am
1. Search Field Mouse Focus
I was wondering, is it possible to have the cursor default to the search field? Currently when I search, I hit "ctrl+f" to pull up the search window, then I have to move my mouse and click on the search field, then type in my query, and the hit "enter."

It would be far easier to just have the cursor default or focus to the search field so I don't have to move my mouse and click the field, and would make searching for a term a faster process.

2. Book Preferences
Is there a way to have the preferences automatically saved for a book? I notice I often have to set the compare mode, synchronize lines, and morphology on new lines options every time I open a new book. It gets rather tedious when opening and closing multiple books to set the options for the book every time.

3. Search Results Compare Mode
Is there a way to have the search results show a compare mode with results from other books?

For example, I want to search the Aleppo Codex for the word אָדָם and for all the results in the Aleppo search that come up, I also want to compare those specific Aleppo results to specific verses from the King James Version of the bible in a compare mode. Currently I have to click the search result Aleppo reference in order to see the KJV book display the verse from the KJV - in a separate window.

Instead, if the search results window could have a compare mode for other books as well, it would be wonderful to be able to select another book to compare results to in result-by-result, line-by-line format, and even be able to compare multiple books to compare the original search results to, such as the LXX, and JPS, etc - all in one search result window.

4. Ability to copy paste words or parts of verses into unicode
Currently when one attempts to copy a Hebrew word from a Hebrew book, the only option to copy it successfully to unicode is to right+click and select "Copy verse" which means the entire verse has to be copied instead of just the intended one-word or part-verse selection.

Are these suggestions possible?

#2: Re: Davar3 Beta3 or RC1 suggestions Author: JoPl PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:06 am
1) I recommend to use right-click to word and select first item: Search. It is much faster and I recomend to use it. Just 2 clicks and all is prepared to search.

2) It is planned to do.

3) Some solution can be: use verse lists. Search for word and add results to MAIN verse list. Search for another things and add to secondary verse list. You can highlight corresponding verses in both lists and click to perticular verse in list will synchronise books.

4) Can be done.

After all web will be moved to www.davar3.com, I will do fixes in program and release final D3, include ISO CD for download.

Just now, new version of Davar (we can name it as Davar4 Surprised ) is
borning. Then main goal is to be 100% UNICODE, keep all features from D3 and do things better - so new features of program will be easily added. Planed are user notes, better tagging of text, much better searching features, statistics, gematria analysis window, ... Maybe, some of your asks will be implemented in D4.

israel wrote:
1. Search Field Mouse Focus
I was wondering, is it possible to have the cursor default to the search field? Currently when I search, I hit "ctrl+f" to pull up the search window, then I have to move my mouse and click on the search field, then type in my query, and the hit "enter."

It would be far easier to just have the cursor default or focus to the search field so I don't have to move my mouse and click the field, and would make searching for a term a faster process.

2. Book Preferences
Is there a way to have the preferences automatically saved for a book? I notice I often have to set the compare mode, synchronize lines, and morphology on new lines options every time I open a new book. It gets rather tedious when opening and closing multiple books to set the options for the book every time.

3. Search Results Compare Mode
Is there a way to have the search results show a compare mode with results from other books?

For example, I want to search the Aleppo Codex for the word אָדָם and for all the results in the Aleppo search that come up, I also want to compare those specific Aleppo results to specific verses from the King James Version of the bible in a compare mode. Currently I have to click the search result Aleppo reference in order to see the KJV book display the verse from the KJV - in a separate window.

Instead, if the search results window could have a compare mode for other books as well, it would be wonderful to be able to select another book to compare results to in result-by-result, line-by-line format, and even be able to compare multiple books to compare the original search results to, such as the LXX, and JPS, etc - all in one search result window.

4. Ability to copy paste words or parts of verses into unicode
Currently when one attempts to copy a Hebrew word from a Hebrew book, the only option to copy it successfully to unicode is to right+click and select "Copy verse" which means the entire verse has to be copied instead of just the intended one-word or part-verse selection.

Are these suggestions possible?

DAVAR -> Davar 3.0 development

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