Problems with tooltip windows
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DAVAR -> Davar 3.0 development

#1: Problems with tooltip windows Author: EvaLocation: Halle PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:26 pm
I use Davar frequently and the program works perfectly under Windows XP. Recenty I bought a new laptop running with Windows Vista.
After installing the latest Davar version3 alpha5, the program blocks each time I move the mouse over a strong number in order to open a contact tip window. Install comctl32.dll was not necessary. Can someone help me please?

Thank you very much.

#2: Re: Problems with tooltip windows Author: JoPl PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:57 am
It is second warning from users about that problem on WV. We will work on that issue. Unfortunatelly - I do not have WV installed, so in some way I depend on users report.

Can you report, if D3 block, if you:

1) disable context tips (by button TIP from toolbar)
2) if you change in davar.cfg line (D3 is not running)


and run D3 again?

3) If your problem is related ONLY with Strong# or also with morphology (point to some greek text with morphology) or also with references. This is VERY IMPORTANT FOR US TO KNOW !!

Thanks for help+reports


Eva wrote:
I use Davar frequently and the program works perfectly under Windows XP. Recenty I bought a new laptop running with Windows Vista.
After installing the latest Davar version3 alpha5, the program blocks each time I move the mouse over a strong number in order to open a contact tip window. Install comctl32.dll was not necessary. Can someone help me please?

Thank you very much.

#3:  Author: EvaLocation: Halle PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:13 pm
The problem occurs with strongs, references and morphology.

1) When I disable context tooltips in the Toolbar, the program doesn't block and no frame pops up.

2) I made the change you suggested in davar.cfg and runned the program again. The program runs but the frame that pops up now when I move the mouse over strongs, references and morphology contains only one and the same message "frame not found".

I hope this report is helpful for you.

Thank you for handling this problem.


#4:  Author: JoPl PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:22 am
Eva wrote:
The problem occurs with strongs, references and morphology.

1) When I disable context tooltips in the Toolbar, the program doesn't block and no frame pops up.

2) I made the change you suggested in davar.cfg and runned the program again. The program runs but the frame that pops up now when I move the mouse over strongs, references and morphology contains only one and the same message "frame not found".


THANKS. Probably, you had in 2) message: "*** NOT FOUND ***" - because "frame not found" is not presented in program at all.
If we track case 2), this message is presented, when user NOT open file, which is selected as source of tips.
We can continue in tests - please open KJV+, stripd_gr and stripd_he lexicons. Be sure you have davar.cfg changed, as described above. Enable tips. Now, move over some Strong# in KJV+ and report me results ... if necessary insert small picture.



#5:  Author: EvaLocation: Halle PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:28 am
I opened the programs you suggested and now D3 works perfectly with tooltips enabled and the change made in davar.cfg. References pop up in a frame too.
Thank you very much for your help and your expertise.


DAVAR -> Davar 3.0 development

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