Extrabiblical stuff
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#1: Extrabiblical stuff Author: JAdmin PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:41 am
We offer extrabiblical modules (For Your Information) like Pirkei Avot, Jasher, 1Enoch, and recently Didache to be taken with a grain of salt.. cause we still believe the Scriptures as the high authority, notwithstanding.. bearing the principle of freedom of speech in mind for all..

F.Y.I. now here's also
{quran} [Arabic book module]
{koran} [English Translation module]

Last edited by JAdmin on Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:49 am; edited 5 times in total

#2: KITZER Author: JAdmin PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:55 pm
{kitzer.zip} KITZER SHULCHAN ARUCH [aka Code of Jewish Laws] A modern English abridgement of Jewish/Rabbinic Law from skyecm.com

KITZER contents wrote:
613 Mitzvots: The Torah Commandments According to 11th Century Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (Rambam).
Categorized as Negative and Positive.

KSA BOOK I details the laws governing morning prayers and benedictions, the synagogue, Torah reading, and Torah study. In addition, it contains various laws relating to meat, bread, utensils, grace before meals, and forbidden foods.
1 Conduct Rising in the Morning
2 Hand Washing in the Morning
3 On Dressing and Deportment
4 Rules of Decency
5 Cleanness of Places
6 Laws Relating to benediction
7 The Morning benediction
8 From Dawn Until Praying
9 The Tzitzit (Fringes)
10 The Tefillin (Phylacteries)
11 The Mezuzah
12 Purity for Holding Services
13 Sanctity of the Synagogue
14 Special Verses of Psalms
15 Kaddish, Minyan and Hazan
16 The Shema and Benedictions
17 Reading of Shema
18 The Shemoneh Esreh
19 Mashiv Haruah and Tal Umatar
20 Repetition - Shemoneh Esreh
21 Making Up Omitted Prayers
22 The Tahanun
23 The Reading of The Torah
24 Errors and Defects in a Torah
25 Ashre Uva Letziyon
26 The Mourner's Kaddish
27 The Study of the Torah
28 Scroll and Other Holy Books
29 Moral Laws
30 Talebearing and Vengeance
31 For the Sake of Heaven
32 Concern Physical Wellbeing
33 Dangerous Things Forbidden
34 Laws Concerning Charity
35 The Separation Of Hallah
36 The Salting of Meat
37 The Immersion of Vessels
38 Food of a Non-Jew
39 Eating and Drink Before Meals
40 Washing Hands Before Meals
41 Breaking Bread and Hamotzi
42 Laws Concerning Meals
43 Special Courses During Meals
44 Washing, Grace after Meals
45 Formal Grace (3 or more)
46 Forbidden Foods
47 Non-Jewish Wine

KSA BOOK II describes the benedictions and laws relating to the Sabbath and divers laws pertaining to business and legal affairs.
48 Benedictions - The Five Species
49 Benedictions - Wine/HatovVehametiv
50 Benedictions - Before Enjoying Food/Drink
51 The Concluding Benediction
52 Benedictions - etz/adamah/Shehakol
53 Benedictions -  Soup, Fruit, Vegetable Extracts
54 Principal and Accessory Foods
55 Order of Precedence of Benedictions
56 Benedictions Pronounced Erroneously
57 Food Served More Than Intended
58 Benediction Over Fragrance
59 Benedictions Over Joy/Grief
60 Benedictions Sights in Nature
61 Benediction Hagomel
62 Concerning Commerce
63 Wronging by Means of Words
64 Dealing In Forbidden Objects
65 Interest on Loans
66 Agreements to Trade in Business
67 Vows and Oaths
68 Concerning Prayers When Traveling
69 Minhah (Afternoon) Service
70 Maariv (Evening) Service
71 Order of the Night
72 Holiness of the Sabbath
73 Work Done by a Non-Jew on the Sabbath
74 Embarking on a Vessel on the Sabbath
75 The Sabbath Candles
76 Prayers on Sabbath and Festivals
77 Kiddush and the Sabbath Meals
78 Torah Reading on Sabbath and Festivals
79 Laws Concerning Maftir
80 Labors Forbidden on the Sabbath
81 Four Premises with Regard to Sabbath
82 Removing Things From One Premise Into Another
83 Enclosure of Spaces
84 Carrying Garments/Ornaments on the Sabbath
85 If a Fire Breaks Out on the Sabbath
86 Bathing on the Sabbath
87 Resting of Cattle on the Sabbath
88 Muktzeh things on the Sabbath
89 Concerning a Base for Things Forbidden
90 Not Actual Work- Through A Non-Jew
91 One in Pain, not Critically ill
92 One Who is Critically ill
93 Laws Concerning Childbirth
94 Inter-community of Courts
95 Inter-community of Boundaries
96 Maariv Service and the Havdalah
97 Rosh Hodesh (New Moon)

KSA BOOK III deals chiefly with laws and rituals to be observed during Rosh Hashanah, the Ten Days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, and other distinguished days.
98 Laws Concerning Festivals
99 No Handling on Festivals
100 Birkat Kohanim
101 Prepare Foods for 2nd Day
102 Eruv Tavshilin
103 Rejoicing on a Festival
104 Hol Hammoed
105 Forbidden Requiring Exertion
106 During Hol Hammoed
107 Month of Nisan
108 Wheat for the Matzah
109 Water for the Matzah
110 Kneading/Baking Matzah
111 Search for Chometz
112 Leaven on Pesach
113 Day before baking Matzah
114 The Selling of Chametz
114f The Form of Agreement
115 Before Pesah on Sabbath
116 Purification of Vessels
117 Laws Concerning Pesah
118 Pesach Night seder
119 Pesach Night cont..
120 Sefirah &The Omer
121 Public Fast Days
122 Interval - 3Weeks
123 Day before 9 Av
124 Ninth of Av
125 9AV on weekends
126 Destruction - Temple
127 Private Fast Days
128 Yom Kippur Eve
129 Rosh Hashanah
130 The Ten Days of Penitence
131 Day Before Yom Kippur
132 Yom Kippur Eve
133 Yom Kippur
134 Sukkos Tabernacles
135 Dwelling in the Sukkah
136 Lulav and other Species
137 Lulav and the Hakkafot
138 Hoshana; Shemini; Simhat
139 Chanukah
140 4 Parshiot of ADAR
141 Purim and Megillas Rus
142 Gifts to the Poor (Purim)

KSA BOOK IV discusses the laws governing marriage, the firstborn, circumcision, the training of children, and other areas of family life. This section includes the important directions relating to illness, death, interment, and mourning.
143 Honor Father | Mother
144 Honor Due the Respectful
145 Laws of Marriage
146 Bridegroom and Bride
147 The Nuptial Ceremony
148 Privacy Following Ceremony
149 Grace at Weddings
150 Laws of Chastity
151 Semen in Vain
152 Prohibition Alone With Women
153 Menstrually Unclean
154 Regulations of the Menses
155 Separation uncleanness
156 Blood Resulting of Cohabitation
157 Prenuptial Laws
158 Childbirth and Miscarriage
159 White Linen/Clean Days
160 Shampoo the Hair
161 Constitutes Interposition
162 Immersion
163Law of Circumcision
164 Redemption of the Firstborn
165 Training of Children
166 Enchantment Superstition
167 Laws Concerning Idolatry
168 Images That Are Forbidden
169 Tattooing and Depilation
170 Shaving Temples and Beard
171 Forbidden Crossdressing
172 Laws Concerning New Crop
173 Law of Orlah
174 Grafting of Trees
175 Interbreeding of Cattle
176 Laws Concerning Shatnez
177 Firstborn of Clean Animals
178 Firstborn of an Ass
179 Laws Concerning Loans
180 Debts in the Sabbatical Year
181 Litigation and Testimony
182 Laws Theft and Robbery
183 Damages to Property
184 If One Causes Physical Injury
185 Borrowing and Hiring
186 Muzzling of Animals
187 Articles Lost and Found
188 Laws Concerning Bailments
189 Unloading and Loading
190 Protection Life Property
191 Cruelty to Animals
192 Sick and the Physician
193 Visiting the Sick
194 Dying and the Body
195 Rending of the Garments
196 Concerning an Onan
197 Belonging to the Dead
198 Removal of the Corpse
199 Interment - Cemetery
200 Burial on a Festival
201 Suicide and the Wicked
202 Defilement of a Kohen
203 Whom Mourning Observed
204 When Mourning Begins
205 Meal of Condolence
206 Timely - Delayed News
207 Comforting the Mourners
208 Work a Mourner is Forbidden
209 Prohibitions to Mourners
210 Study and Greetings - Mourners
211 Mourner May Not Do
212 Things Forbidden After Shiva
213 The Marriage of a Mourner
214 Mourner May Leave His House
215 Excessive Grief
216 7/13 Mourning Days
217 Neglecting to Mourn
218 Testimony Relating to Mourning
219 Mourning on a Sabbath
220 Mourning Voided on Festival
221 Fasting on Yahrzeit

{mishna.zip} The Mishna - The Oral Torah (Rabbinic Laws, Traditions) in practice in Jesus' Day and finally collected and put into print after the destruction of Jerusalem.

MISHNA Table of Contents wrote:

1xx: Agriculture
(01) Berakhot
(02) Peah
(03) Demai
(04) Kilayim
(05) Shebiit
(06) Terumot
(07) Maaserot
(08) Maaser Sheni
(09) Hallah
(10) Orlah
(11) Bikkurim

2xx: Appointed Times
(01) Shabbat
(02) Erubin
(03) Pesahim
(04) Sheqalim
(05) Yoma
(06) Sukkah
(07) Besah
(08) Rosh Hashshanah
(09) Taanit
(10) Megillah
(11) Moed Qatan
(12) Hagigah

3xx: Women
(01) Yebamot
(02) Ketubot
(03) Nedarim
(04) Nazir
(05) Sotah
(06) Gittin
(07) Qiddushin

4xx: The Order Of Damages
(01) Baba Qamma
(02) Baba Mesia
(03) Baba Batra
(04) Sanhedrin
(05) Makkot
(06) Shabuot
(07) Eduyyot
(08) Abodah Zarah
(09) Abot
(10) Horayot

5xx: Holy Things
(01) Zebahim
(02) Menahot
(03) Hullin
(04) Bekhorot
(05) Arakhin
(06) Temurah
(07) Keritot
(08) Meilah
(09) Tamid
(10) Middot
(11) Qinnim

6xx: Purities
(01) Kelim
(02) Ohalot
(03) Negaim
(04) Parah
(05) Tohorot
(06) Miqvaot
(07) Niddah
(08) Makhshirin
(09) Zabim
(10) Tebul-Yom
(11) Yadayim
(12) Uqsin

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