D3 development progress :-)
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DAVAR -> Davar 3.0 development

#1: D3 development progress :-) Author: JoPl PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:39 am
During last months, work was focused on search dialog:
* Implemented "ranges", where to search and history of ranges.
* History of searched strings, for repeated search.
* For more than one word, "search for all words" and "search for any word" is possible. For all cases, entered string can be searched as "phrase". Both for Hebrew and non Hebrew languages. Wild search using '*' and '?'. Hebrew has also option: "ignore vowels" which can bring more general search. For non-Hebrew language, "case sensitive" option can be turn on/off
*List (preview) of hits directly from search dialog (both He and nonHe language). That was really hard to do, due bugs in some comctl32.dll. I spend quite long time "fixing" my source, untill I found long discussions of users of another program, talking about same bugs. D3 will require (for correct ListView preview of Hebrew) Comctl32.dll version 4.7x or higher. Update of dll will be on Davar pages.
* Coloring of hits in results window (as in Davar 2.4, but completely rewritten, because was buggy). This is done more clearly and modifications of code will be easier that in D2.4

If you want to help with conversion of various texts for D3, let us know. (Knowledge of sed or Word macros or programming is helpful, but not necessary).

Finally, few pictures:
1) Search dialog

2) Results of search colored, list of verses as preview

3) The same for Hebrew searching


#2:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 10:42 pm
I am very impressed and excited to how you are developing Davar 3. I hope to see it in production soon.

I have a suggestion. Allow a window to be capable flowing from Old to New Testament, as in Hebrew OT to Hebrew NT or Greek. That way you can always have a Hebrew (or ancient texts) window and an Engish window open as two simple windows.

Also, it would be nice if you could export the Hebrew texts to Email Hebrew. That way various Hebrew word processors could access the text for documents. Currently I can copy/paste the text and it reads fine, but I cannot manipulate the text as Hebrew (it is treated as an English text) text or change to a prefered font.

Rick Wills

#3: Re: Author: JoPl PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 12:01 pm
About second suggestion:
What is "Email Hebrew"?? Some program or format of Hebrew text? Can you write more? Of course, export of ALL texts is planned for D3. But we are just on the start of D3 story...There are programs, e.g. AbiWord, OpenOffice(?), which can handle He texts better and are free for all.
First suggestion: Some D3 books will be combination OT+NT, it's already prepared Smile, E.G. Masoretic OT+Delitzs NT, both He.
Implemantation this feature into program - it's possible, but MUCHMUCH important TODO are in queue... If many users will have that demant, it can be done.
Tanks for suggestions, some preview will be soon available for testing

#4:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:15 pm
Hebrew Email is the ascii convention that has been used for Hebrew prior to Unicode. The following is a character chart...

? //alef
? //bet
? //gimel
? //dalet
? //heh
? //vav
? //zayn
? //khet
? //tet
? //yod
? //caf
? //lamed
? //mem
? //nun
? //samek
? //ayin
? //peh
? //tzadi
? //quf
? //resh
? //shin-sin
? //tav
? //caf sof
? //mem sof
? //nun sof
? //peh sof
? //tzadi sof

? //kataf-seg
? //kataf-qam
? //kataf-pat
? //seg
? //tzer
? //qir
? //shva
? //qam
? //pat
? //shurq
- //maq dash
? //maq bar
? //kolm
? //marker for sin
? //marker for shin

If you send an email to me I will return to you an attached Windows font that displays the text.

Rick Wills - Mishareth@TorahWellsprings.org

DAVAR -> Davar 3.0 development

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