a module is copyrighted
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#1: a module is copyrighted Author: hebrewandlatin PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:51 pm
though it is not called modern hebrew bible the new testament portion is either an earlier or later edition of franz delitzsch's work i am still trying to figure out which is newer the one you have or the so called modern hebrew bible but any way the copyright holder for this particular version is

hebrew new testament copyright 1966,1998
trinitarian bible society london
published by:
Trinitarian Bible Society
Tyndale House, Dorset Road
London,SW19 3NN,England
with the assistance of the
Gereformeede Bijbelstichting
Nijverheldstraat 21,Postbus 168
4140 AD Leerdam
The Netherlands
I am very doubtful that the copyright on this would be expired since it is still being printed for the purpose of reaching jews
although it could not hurt to find out. but this i can tell you for a fact that if you wanted to order this book unless you are jewish you would have to pay for a copy. well just thought you would like know and check it out for yourself

#2:  Author: HEBMOD PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:35 am
The modern hebrew bible module is from:

It says that the Electronic text is courtesy of the Unbound Bible
( http://unbound.biola.edu/ )

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