an honest penny
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#1: an honest penny Author: JAdmin PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:00 am
Amazing that a penny nowadays is not worth much to most people because I keep finding them.. in the metro area in the state of New Jersey & even recently in New York on a street that vehicles have run over and over again. (Included is an image thereof.)

Mt 22:20 And he said unto them: Whose is this image and superscription?
Mt 22:21 They said unto him: Cesar's. Then said he unto them: Give therefore to Cesar, that which is Cesar's: and give unto God, that which is God's.

Abraham Lincoln was a U.S. President who was instrumental in the liberty of many slaves.. yet he was murdered, ironically shortly after he became a believer in Christ standing at a civil war cemetery before countless of his country men from both sides...

I have been reading the Beatitudes," President Lincoln tells a friend, "and can at least claim the blessing that is pronounced upon those who hunger and thirst after righteousness." .. "When I left Springfield, I asked the people to pray for me; I was not a Christian. When I buried my son?the severest trial of my life?I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg, and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ.

Regardless of the mistakes of his presidency along with the administration thereof that misreprensed him... yet even if he repended of his past deeds, some still did not have compassion and grant him mercy till this very day. Is it not God who has the sole right to have compassion on whom he will have compassion!?
Exodus 33:19
And he said: I will make all my good go before thee, and I will be called in this name Jehovah before thee, and will shew mercy to whom I shew mercy, and will have compassion on whom I have compassion.

Romans 9:15-16
15For he saith to Moses: I will shew mercy to whom I shew mercy: And will have compassion on whom I have compassion.  16So lieth it not then in a man's will, or running, but in the mercy of God.  

If the sovereignty of the most highest was usurped.. then it's self evident that JUSTICE is way overdue.

"In God we trust" it says.
Now: What God do people trust?
Yea is it a god that honestly leads to liberty or deceitfully leads into captivity?

Re 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity, shall go into captivity: he that killeth with a sword, must be killed with a sword. Here is the patience, and the faith of the saints.

Honest Abe
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